No Retreat, No Surrender For Online Gambling Opponent
Added: Feb. 9, 2015
Just when you might have been thinking the skies were clearing and online gambling might be on the edge of being legalized, even partially in the United States, it happens. News of a new push by the opposing team if you will.
Certainly you recall the antics of one of the staunchest opponents of online gambling legalization in the United States. Yes, that opponent, the same person who vowed to spend any amount necessary to overturn existing online gambling legislation as well as turn back the clock on the legal online casinos that are already operating.
Yes, the character by the name of Sheldon Adelson. The same Sheldon Adelson who is in fact the CEO of one of the largest land based casinos in Nevada by the name of the Las Vegas Sands. Recall that Sheldon Adelson spent a sizable sum of money to champion his cause in 2014.
With that in mind you will most likely not be surprised at all to learn that Sheldon Adelson looks to be searching around for a return on his “investment”. To get a sense of the size of Sheldon Adelson’s commitment to his cause, take a look at the amount of money he has already shelled out. Some sources are reporting that this sum totals up to more than $90Million. Yes, you read that correctly. Almost one hundred million dollars already anted up.
Once you get a handle on the size of his “contributions”, you will agree that is most certainly seems that he is looking for a return. Recent reports had Sheldon Adelson hanging out in the halls of Capital Hill. Allegedly, Sheldon Adelson was able to set up private meetings with Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee.
Here’s the thing you should be paying attention to here. This was apparently a private meeting. Can you begin to guess what the meeting discussions were all about? It takes no big stretch of the imagination to suggest that Sheldon Adelson was in some sense asking the Republican members to pay up. Most likely he did not even need to remind the members of his “support”. In other words, Sheldon Adelson has paid up; now he wants to see some actions for his money.
Who can blame him after all? If you think about, Sheldon Adelson and his land based casino empire have a lot to lose if online gambling is ever fully legalized in the United States. Sheldon Adelson is merely making the rounds to make sure his players are still on his team.