Early Language Opens Door To Online Casino Action
Added: June 22, 2015
This latest development is coming straight from the State Legislature floor. What’s going on is this: it is starting to look like something like an event from a World Wresting Entertainment. You know, the venue where pro wrestlers have at it in an attempt to best the opponent. One feature unique to professional wresting events are what can best be described as a tag-team event. That is, when one wrestler is getting tired, his fellow team mate gives him a tag in. At the point, the other side is facing a fresh new opponent.
Anyway, all of the above aside, that is what the legislature floor in Pennsylvania is beginning to look like. Recall that only just recently one brave Senator stuck his neck out and introduced legislation to actually legalized online gambling and online casino action throughout the state. Since then, other state senators have in effect “tagged in” and joined the fight.
If you are keeping score at home, this session looks to be something of a knockout. Consider as of last count there are at least 5 bills that have been filed to date with some sort of online gambling legalization. Actually, the most recent bill filed on this matter looks to be the most comprehensive to date.
This latest bill was filed by a tag team of Senators Kim Ward, Robert Tomlinson, Elder Vogel and even the Senate President Joseph Scarnati. What is interesting about this newest online gambling legalization bill is that it completely rewrites the existing language regarding gambling in the state of Pennsylvania. Specifically, the proposed legislation intends to modify Title 4 (Amusements) and Part II (Gaming).
A few specifics from this proposed legislation were released to the public. The bill is based on an underlying premise that existing land based casinos will be authorized to provide online casino action. Furthermore, perhaps in an attempt to cut off the naysayers, this new bill has special language to address so-called problem gambling throughout the state. As you might expect, whatever programs are setup for problem gamblers will naturally be funded directly from online gambling operators.
As you can plainly see from the above, there is a now a concerted effort in Pennsylvania to finally bring online casino action to state residents. Although it may be too early to start counting the winnings yet, proponents of online casino action in Pennsylvania stand a good chance of seeing real action this year.